
Showing posts from March, 2018

Marxism and Hegemony blog task

1) Re-read the  Mail Online review of  Capital . Why does it suggest that  Capital  features a left-wing ideology? The review mentions various of things which support this left wing ideology from references to Jeremy Corbyn to how the show represents and empowers the working class. Capital is seen to show different ethnic working class groups who are seen to be working hard in their lives to support themselves or their family. An example being Quentina, an immigrant from Africa who works illegally and extremely hard to support herself and earn a living. This empowerment and representation of the working class and immigration supports the left wing ideologies of immigration and how it immigration can how they positives and  goes against the stereotypes of immigrants leeching off the government through benefits. 2) Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of  Capital  and paste them into you...

TV: Capital episodes 2 &3 (watch the rest of the series and summarise it)

Episode 2 Summary In this episode each family are still continually receiving the same "We want what you have postcards" each night however now they have started to dead rats. Arabella finally comes home after leaving Roger on Christmas and finds out that Roger has hired a nanny to look after the children. The Kamal family find out that they are going to have their mother visit them soon due to the postcards being sent and the local community attend a meeting about the postcards which have been sent. Roger attends a luxury auction with the nanny Episode 3 Summary In this episode we see disasters starting to occur in all family's. Roger has been fired from his job due to his deputy losing 30 million pounds and being sent to jail. Shahid was sent to jail due to his IP address being traced back to his house due to him letting his guest stay. Roger and Arabella are forced to fire their nanny and the Kamal family attempt to find a lawyer to help Shahid's case. The case c...

TV: Capital case study

1) What positive points do the reviews pick out about  Capital ? Capital creates an amazing portrayal of London life. The characters and setting are extremely relatable to the audience and creates a 'all-to-recognizable' atmosphere. The actors were superb and really reflected the lives of the middle/working class. The narrative leaves the audience each episode even more interested.  2) What criticisms are made - either of the TV drama or the original novel? Plot lines were under-developed and didn't write in all of the characters featured within the novel. There was no overarching storyline and didn't head in one complete direction that connected everyone together. 3) How does the TV drama change the time period and location for the story in comparison to the original novel? The novel was originally set during the 2008 financial crisis, but the adaptation was set in Balham during the present day. 4) In the Telegraph 'behind the scenes' article, what...
An introduction to TV Drama: Blog task 1) What is serial television drama? Write your own definition. A long-running show spanning many years with each episode having a narrative but reaching a narrative arc overall. 2) List five of the TV dramas discussed in the history of the genre on page 1 of the factsheet. How has the genre evolved over time? EastEnders, The Sweeney, Minder, Hill Street Blues, The A-Team They were filmed on film which was expensive, usually high quality and could be sold to foreign markets like America. Usually, they were filmed before a live audience but later evolved to be filmed like a traditional film with the same high-quality production values. Early Dramas like The A-Team solved a narrative during the episodic time frame. This allows audiences to follow the narrative and episodes in no specific order for it to still make sense. but US dramas like Hill Street Blues (1981 - 1987) followed many protagonists and the na...