
Showing posts from July, 2018

Preliminary exercise: Feedback and learner response

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full. WWW: ·           The narrative fits the horror genre well – age of cast, death of a friend at a party etc. This shows you’ve researched the genre. ·          The performances are OK – unrehearsed but that’s pretty common with a preliminary exercise.  EBI: ·          Technically there’s a lot to learn for the real coursework project. The scene begins with a 33 second long shot for the conversation. Can you find me a single example of a film scene conversation between three characters that is shot in one long shot? This is where you needed close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots, shot-reverse-shot, adhering to the 180 degree rule. We are looking to reach close to professional standards so this is a huge learning point prior to the real coursework. ·          It’s good t...

Preliminary Exercise Video


Coursework: Preliminary exercise

1) State the genre you have chosen - horror or coming of age drama. The genre i have chosen to apply within my preliminary task is horror. 2) Choose at least five films in your selected genre and watch the trailer and one scene from each film. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene. 1) It follows (2015) In terms of camerawork, within this trailer, various close ups were applied to display the facial expressions portraying the emotions of the character within numerous scenes, a build up of non diagetic sound was utilised during these specific scenes in order to build up tension and suspense within the demographic. In terms of editing, an eye line match was applied when the protagonist was looking at the door that was slightly open which creates enigma within the scene as it allows the audience to view what the main protagonist was seeing to make them feel the emotions that...
Index: 1) Music Video - introduction and factsheet questions 2) Music Video theory and This Is America analysis 3) Common -  Letter to the Free  context and analysis 4) Michael Jackson -  Billie Jean  context, analysis and MM article

Music Video: Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

1) What was the budget for  Billie Jean ? How did this compare with later Michael Jackson videos? The financial plan for Billie Jean was $50,000 anyway after some time his music recordings later observed an expansion in spending plan from music recordings as 'Beat It' was $300,000 and Thriller was $2,000,000.  2) Why was the video rejected by MTV? MTV said that Michael Jackson's video sometimes fell short for ' middle american'   group of onlookers that they took into account.  3) Applying Goodwin's theory of music video, how does  Billie Jean  reflect the genre characteristics of pop music video? Goodwin's Theory can be connected to the Billie Jean music video as it contains intertextuality references to the film noir class. The film noir class is referenced in the music video for the story and garments of the characters, anyway is changed marginally by Michael Jackson as he is the principle hero who is dark which is ordinarily not foun...

Common - Letter to the Free blog tasks

Social and cultural context Read this  Billboard interview where Common talks about  Letter to the Free , political hip hop and contemporary American society. Use the article and the notes we have made in lessons (also available above) to answer the following questions on the social, cultural and genre contexts for  Letter to the Free . 1) What other projects has Common been involved in over recent years? He played out a more drawn out rendition of Letter to the Free at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival and also make new music, for example, "The general population" and "The Light". 2)  What is the 13th Amendment of the American Constitution? The alteration expressed that bondage was annulled and also automatic subjugation, expect in situations where a man has carried out a wrongdoing.  3) What were the Black Codes? The Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states in 1865 and 1866 in the United States after the American Civil War with the aim and the...