Film Regulation and The BBFC:
1) Publishes short but detailed information about the content of every film. It is aimed particularly at parents and offers as summery as to why a film was rated at any given category.
In 1884 Parliament passed the videos recording act - subject to certain exemptions offered for sale or hire commercially in the UK must be classified by an authority designated by the sectary of the state. 

It was set up in 1912 by the film industry as an independent body. Statutory powers remain with local councils which ave the ability to overrule any of the BBFC's decisions.

President and Vice President of the BBFC were so designated and charged with applying the new teat of 'suitability of viewing at home'. After this the broads title was changed to the British Board of Film Classification to show how classification plays a bigger part than censorship.

2)When each film is submitted, each work is checked by compliance officers who log details of what the film contains e.g bad language, sex, drug references e.g. If officers feel as tho a film is inappropriate for the category request suggested they are advised to make cuts withing the film to meet guidelines. 

3) The issues faced when classifying a film is whether it conflicts with the law or if the content is harmful at the age rating concerned. The overall tone may also affect the final decision of the rating of the film foe example if the general theme of the film is dark.

4) The Dark Knight had a significant amount of media coverage because the movie was rated a 12A, but the public complaint that the movie contained too much violence.

5)The guidelines of a 15 film are:

  • The work must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour, although you can have racist or homophobic language/themes.
  • Drugs can be shown, not promoted.
  • Strong language is permitted, depend on manner though.
  • Imitable behaviour can be shown, but not in extensive amounts that people will try.
  • Sexual activity can be portrayed, no strong detail.
  • No constraints on nudity.
  • Strong threat and horror is allowed. Sexual threat is not acceptable.
  • Strong violence.

 Chicken was rated 15 due to the strong language violence and sexual refrences 


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