Sound Analysis:

1) Choose a 60 second piece of music - ideally from YouTube and not something that is likely to be blocked on copyright grounds.

2) Using editing software (Windows Moviemaker is fine but Adobe Premiere is available on Media PCs) produce a one-minute montage of images and video. Half the images need to be parallel to the music and half need to be contrapuntal. Think carefully about how you can best select images and video to have a significant impact on the audience.

3) Upload the finished video to YouTube and embed it in your own blog with a brief description of what you've created. Note: due to videos being blocked on copyright grounds, please also save the exported video file (e.g. MP4) into your student folder on the M: Media Shared drive.

In this video i conveyed the difference between parallel ad contrapuntal sound by applying a happy themed soundtrack throughout the video. I then added happy and positive pictures and videos within the first half of the video which then it changed to a series of scary and terrifying photos and videos to show the contrapuntal side to it.


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