Coursework checklist:

Coursework checklist: Original summer project tasks/film pitch blogposts not posted but now up-to-date.

Statement of Intent final draft: Still working on it but will submit today.

Filming latest: Started filming – most locations completed but some re-shoots required for quality purposes. Planning to finish this week and weekend so should be 95% complete by next Monday. Planning to edit at home so will need to bring in exported rough cuts (or put them on Youtube) for feedback. 

Print planning: Started the research process and already covered planning in statement of intent. Unsure on photoshoot location so need to finalise that as part of print planning.

Next steps:

·         Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Coursework tutorial feedback and learner response’.
·         Write a brief summary of what you plan to achieve in your coursework project in the next two weeks.


  • Statement of intent will be completed and finished
  • Finish filming the last locations and re-shoots 
  • Complete research process and finalise locations 


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Coursework: Summer Project 2018