
Coursework checklist:

Coursework checklist: Original summer project tasks/film pitch blogposts not posted but now up-to-date. Statement of Intent final draft: Still working on it but will submit today. Filming latest: Started filming – most locations completed but some re-shoots required for quality purposes. Planning to finish this week and weekend so should be 95% complete by next Monday. Planning to edit at home so will need to bring in exported rough cuts (or put them on Youtube) for feedback.  Print planning: Started the research process and already covered planning in statement of intent. Unsure on photoshoot location so need to finalise that as part of print planning. Next steps: ·          Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Coursework tutorial feedback and learner response’. ·          Write a brief summary of what you plan to achieve in your coursew...

Coursework: Pre-production - Mise-en-scene

Costume and Props: In terms of costume, Mabel and Kai will be wearing typical modern teen outfits, which connects with the modern day demographic and communicates that this film is aimed at teenagers as they can relate with the characters. In certain scenes, there will be a costume change when the villain (Kai) is revealed and thus he will be dressed in all black to connote a sense of evil and danger. Thus the audiences will be able to decode the meanings from the type of costume each character is wearing. In terms of props, a black mask will be used to conceal the identity of the villain from the main protagonist to create a sense of enigma and build up tension.  Lighting and Make-up: In terms of lighting, i will apply low key lighting to enhance shadows within particular scenes in order to create the chiaroscuro effect. For example, scenes where jump scares are portrayed i would use the shadows to build up suspense. Furthermore, high key lighting will also be utilised w...

Statement of Intent feedback and learner response

Mark:  Grade:  Comments on Statement of Intent: ·          The concept works as a horror film but as a statement of intent you are a long way short of where you need to be. You are missing whole media concepts. ·           The whole statement is lacking organisation and quality – one paragraph, no sub-headings, missing capital letters etc. ·           Far more media terminology is required – look at the brief (minimum requirements) and then outline specific aspects you will create in your cross-media production that meets these requirements (e.g. you cover locations well but no specific shots etc.) ·           No reference to the film posters. ·           Nothing on audience or representation – this is basically just narrative description. ·  ...

Coursework: Summer Project 2018

1) Research: Film trailer analysis  You need to write detailed  250-word close-textual analyses  of six film trailers in your chosen genre. For each film trailer, focus on a different aspect of media language, and embed each one on your blog: Film trailer 1: Narrative and genre How is narrative and genre communicated quickly and clearly to the audience? 1) The Conjuring  In this trailer, enigma codes are utilised to portray a sense of mystery, this is shown in the middle of the trailer where the investigators are trying to discover the evil spirit that has taken over the house and the people within it which causes the audience to possess numerous unanswered questions and feel an urge to find out what happens next (Roland Barthes - codes). This has a typical hero and villain story line as the heroes are the ghost hunters/paranormal researchers and the villain is the evil spirit taking over the house and possessing the people within it (Vladimir Propp - seve...

Learner response

Coursework: Ignite presentation learner response There have been some  excellent  Ignite presentations with some brilliantly creative responses to the coursework brief.  Hopefully, the presentations and Q&A sessions that followed have highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of your coursework proposal and may indeed have prompted re-drafts of your statement of intent.  Your learner response is as follows and will take some time to do properly: Create a new blogpost called 'Ignite presentation learner response' 1) Type up your feedback  in full  including the ratings out of five for each category.  Title and tag line bith need work - very little originality there and title with exclamation mark almost suggests comedy. Good choice of images to communicate genre and narrative ideas are solid-classic horror storyline  Technical planning needs to be much more specific - don’t define the camera shot or editing ... explain how you will...

Preliminary exercise: Feedback and learner response

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full. WWW: ·           The narrative fits the horror genre well – age of cast, death of a friend at a party etc. This shows you’ve researched the genre. ·          The performances are OK – unrehearsed but that’s pretty common with a preliminary exercise.  EBI: ·          Technically there’s a lot to learn for the real coursework project. The scene begins with a 33 second long shot for the conversation. Can you find me a single example of a film scene conversation between three characters that is shot in one long shot? This is where you needed close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots, shot-reverse-shot, adhering to the 180 degree rule. We are looking to reach close to professional standards so this is a huge learning point prior to the real coursework. ·          It’s good t...