Learner response

Coursework: Ignite presentation learner response

There have been some excellent Ignite presentations with some brilliantly creative responses to the coursework brief. 

Hopefully, the presentations and Q&A sessions that followed have highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of your coursework proposal and may indeed have prompted re-drafts of your statement of intent. 

Your learner response is as follows and will take some time to do properly:

Create a new blogpost called 'Ignite presentation learner response'

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each category. 

Title and tag line bith need work - very little originality there and title with exclamation mark almost suggests comedy.
Good choice of images to communicate genre and narrative ideas are solid-classic horror storyline 
Technical planning needs to be much more specific - don’t define the camera shot or editing ... explain how you will acctually use these with specific shots/moments in the trailer
Mise-en-scene planning is better - specific ideas for certain scenes in the trailer
Weekend away sounds good but not mentioned in the initial narrative - you need an overview of the whole movie in your statement of intent 
Good to see media theories included but need a little more depth and sophistication in application of theories 
Nice point on female protagonists but surely this should be under representation rather than hypodermic needle theory? 
Marketing / digital promotion ideas are fair enough but again not specific enough...how does this fit in with the film posters you need to make?

2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write a detailed WWW and EBI for your own coursework concept and presentation as a whole.

Www: Good use of theories within my presentation , structured well , concept well thought out.

Ebi: Try to summarise my narrative in a way that makes the audience know what is happening, 

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your actual coursework production. Do you need to update your statement of intent? Does your narrative offer enough clarity? Is it appropriate for the audience specified in the brief? Does it fit the genre you are aiming for? Can you add media terminology or theory to your statement of intent now you have reflected on your presentation and seen others?

You also need to ensure that ALL your research and planning from over the summer - including your current statement of intent - is posted to your Media 2 coursework blog.

I personally think that I need to make a lot of improvements on my statement of intent due to the fact that I’ve made some changes to the narrative from particular feedback. I also need to develop my narrative within my statement of intent so the demographic can gain a clearer understanding of what is occurring within my film. Yes it is appropriate for the target audience as it involves teenagers which thus shows a sense ignored personal relationship between the character and the demographic. Yes it fits the genre I’m aiming for as it utilises horror conventions within it. Yes I will be able to add more terminology and theories within my statement of intent as the feedback made me reflect on my work and realise the key information I was missing. 


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