Deutschland 83: Case Study Blog Task

Reviews and features

Read the following reviews and features on Deutschland 83:

The Guardian - Your next box set: Deutschland 83
Daily Telegraph review
The Guardian - Deutschland 83 Pity the Germans don't like it

1) What positive aspects of Deutschland 83 are highlighted in the reviews?
The Guardian - "Martin is superbly played by Jonas Nay...It's a perfect moment in a near-perfect series".
Daily Telegraph - “So far, so unremarkable, then. The pleasure came from the little details of life on the other side of the Iron Curtain… All this was extremely well done”

2) What criticisms are made of the show?
Daily Telegraph - "This is a period drama that sometimes lacks drama but makes up for it with a deep sense of period".
Guardian: "The show lost half its viewers on the last episode in Germany."

3) Why did the Telegraph suggest that Deutschland 83 did the 'period' aspect of 'period drama' so well?
"The period feel was heightened with snatches of news footage of Erich Honecker, the East German leader. Most gripping of all was a televised excerpt from Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire" speech in 1983. That everyday nature of evil was cleverly captured in Deutschland 83. The Stasi baddies spoke the same language as the goodies in West Germany; they worse less fashionable versions of the same kind of clothes."

4) Find three 'below the line' comments from either of the Guardian articles. What did the audience think of Deutschland 83? Do you agree with the comments?
“It was ultimately quite poor I thought. An intreaguing premise hampered by bad plotting and generally sloppy writing (too many characters just slides together without proper explanation; a run through a city suddenly turns into a Forrest). 
I disagree with this comment as i thought the plot was extremely well constructed. The amount of characters that appear to be relevant in the TV drama are the correct amount, leaving the audience remembering their names and purpose in the show. The transition scenes from Jonas's two sides of life show how sly and careful he has to be to not get caught.

Interviews and behind-the-scenes video features

Channel 4 News: Matt Frei interviews Jonas Nay

1) What does Jonas Nay say about growing up in a united Germany?
Jonas Nay says that growing up during school they were taught primarily about the second world war as it was most recent large event which effected the teachers and adults youth in their lives. Therefore they were taught the history of the Second World War but for the adults during this time, it wasn't considered history for them. He says that he values his freedom in life very much and that he would have preferred to live in West Germany if he had the choose as the freedom of speech and no restrictions are a key aspect in his life which he values.

2) The Channel 4 News interview is conducted in German with English subtitles. How does this reflect Channel 4's remit as a public service broadcaster and their target audience? (Clue: revise your work on Channel 4 and Public Service Broadcasting here!)
"Channel 4 is a publicly-owned and commercially-funded UK public service broadcaster, with a statutory remit to deliver high-quality, innovative, alternative content that challenges the status quo." By having the interview in German channel 4 are appealing to a larger audience where the show isn't as popular. Deutschland 83 is mainly viewed around the world and audiences in foreign countries have seen to enjoy it and view it more then the German audience which may seem odd as it is a representation of the cold war and a key aspect in German history and likely to attract a strong German audience. However the show is more popular over seas then in the country where it was filmed therefore by having a German interview it allows Channel 4 to attempt to attract a larger audience into watching the film.

3) Interviewer Matt Frei asks about the current political situation in Germany. Why might this interest the Channel 4 News audience?
The personal views and interest of an actor who has to act a dominant role during a political dispute period may interest the Channel 4 audience as Jonas Nay is an 'western German' who plays the role of a 'eastern German' and some people have said that "You shouldn't be be doing that!". Jonas Nay's says that as far as he is concern their is no more east and west Germans and that they are now all united, furthermore he later states that he supports the standpoint of Angela Merkel and believes in her political views.

Behind the scenes clips

The All4 website has a range of clips from behind the scenes of Deutschland 83. Watch the following:

Making Of: Why Should You Watch Deutschland 83
Watch this short promotional clip for Deutschland 83.

1) Why should audiences watch Deutschland 83 - what does the clip offer viewers?
The journey of the characters is 'thrilling' and 'interesting' and likely to attract a younger audience who are interested in the history of Germany and learning it without actually having to go to a history lesson. A older audience may also be attracted as the representation of Germany during the cold war period may intrigue them to see how realistic and accurate the series is in showing life during that period. The series is a fast-paced and action-packed and likely to keep a younger audience entertained throughout with its "amazing story".

2) Why is history an important aspect of the appeal of the show?
History is an important aspect of this show as it is something that is not spoken as much about today, but is something that has effected Germany directly and can allow young people who want to learn about the topic, without having to attend a boring lecture and instead enjoy the show. "They are real events and it's important to highlight these events for the young people today".

3) What technical aspects are highlighted in the video?
The cinematography, camera work, costume and production design are all described as striking. "It uses a style that we know from some "event movies"".

Making Of: Set Design
Watch this interview with Production designer Lars Lange.

1) Why were the set design, costume and props so important for Deutschland 83?
It is important to have all three aspects, set design, costume and props correct and they are used create a specific atmosphere or lighting that the scene is meant to have. "it is important to implement these images according to the dramatic composition of the story and the characters".

2) How historically accurate was the setting, costume and props?
The cars, rooms, technology such as computers were all used during the 1980s are shown in this drama. CGI and computer editing allowed for the editors to create a accurate representation of Germany and environment. Even choice of pens and pens were considered when setting the set for the scene.

3) Why were the props, costumes and music such a key audience pleasure for Deutschland 83?

Textual analysis: Trailer

1) The opening of the trailer uses sound and editing to draw the audience in. Explain why this is effective.
The opening trailer uses a split screen style edit to show the contrast between east and west Germany. The split screen edit allows the audience to see the two sides to the protagonists life and how he has to take on two roles, beyond the wall as a solider and as a spy. The is effective as it informs the educates the audience on the cold war history and the two sides of Germany, east and west.

2) What audience pleasures are suggested by the trailer? Think about Uses & Gratifications theory (Blumler and Katz).
Using the Uses and Gratifications theory, the audience would use this show for diversion for their everyday lives as it provides an escape from reality. The audience may also use it for surveillance as it provides historical information about Germany during the cold war. The audience are seen to oversee the whole drama and able to see both sides of the cold war. This attracts an audience as they are able to foreshadow and experience the drama in the show, whilst sympathizing with the protagonist.

3) How does the trailer use action and enigma codes (Barthes) to encourage the audience to watch the show?
The trailer uses engima codes extremely well in this show as the audience are overseeing both sides of the wall and how things operate differently. They are also aware of the two sides that the protagonist has to work for and even the military and secrets that the protagonist has to retrieve. Action codes are also done extremely well in this trailer as the clip at 0:43 of the protagonist running, leaves the audience interested in the story and as to what happened to have cause the protagonist to flee. Another example is at 0:46 of the gun being loads followed by the explosion at 0:53 leaves the trailer on a cliff hanger for the audience to watch the show to find out what happens next.

4) Pick three shots/scenes from the trailer that capture the spy thriller sub-genre. Why might this appeal to an audience? Try and apply Neale's genre theory 'repetition and difference' (the original notes on genre theory are here).
At 0:52 the protagonist is seen walking away from a scene, followed by a large explosion behind him. This scene creates a feeling of tension and mystery as to why the explosion went of and if what the protagonist has carrying with him has anything to do with it. This clip captures all the aspects of a spy thriller in a matter of seconds.

At 0:40 the protagonist of the show is seen next to a tree alone placing something next to it, whilst a hand from behind him grabs him. This tension created in this scene has references to a horror and thriller genre as the audience are unaware of who is trying to touch him and as to what happens next.

0:21 the protagonist is seen attempting to pick lock a door, this secrecy and mystery to what lies beyond the door links back to the spy thriller sub genre as the audience wonder if the protagonist gets caught or succeeds in his mission.

5) Pick three examples of mise-en-scene from the trailer that capture the 1983 setting the confirm the sub-genre of period drama. Why might this appeal to an audience? 
At 0:17 the clip is shot instead a west Germany super market and captures the difference in life between both sides of the wall. The bright colored fruit and veg with the neatly packed products presents the lifestyle of west Germany as much more luxurious and beneficial.

6) The trailer uses the song 'Two Tribes' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Why did the producers select this soundtrack for the trailer?
The song lyrics in 'Two Tribes' talk about "When two tribes go to war" referencing the two sides of Germany East and West and the conflict between world powerhouses during the cold war. This song was most likely selected by the producers as it has references and can be linked back to the cold war and conflict between East and West Germany.

7) The only words heard in the trailer are in English. Why do you think the UK trailer avoided subtitles or German dialogue?
The trailer may have avoided the use of subtitles as it may put of the audience from watching the show if it featured with subtitles. This is because audiences are seen to enjoy shows in languages that they are familiar with and understand more then languages were they cannot. 

Production and industry context

Deutschland 83 was produced by German production company UFA Fiction and distributed internationally by FremantleMedia International. It was broadcast on RTL (Germany), SundanceTV (US) and Channel 4 (UK) as well as many other broadcasters around teh world.

1) Read this Freemantle Media press release on the worldwide success of Deutschland 83. How is the drama described by the distributor? Why was it considered such an international success?
The CEO describes it as the compelling series that captivated viewers around the world. The show was produced by award winning creators and directors.

2) Read this Freemantle Media press release on Deutschland 83 becoming Channel 4's highest rated foreign drama. What was the consolidated viewing figure for Episode 1 of Deutschland 83? What praise for Deutschland 83 is included in the press release?
"Channel 4 and Walter Presents announced fully consolidated ratings for the launch episode of Deutschland 83... The first episode has now consolidated with 2.5 million viewers, overtaking the launch of The Returned (9th June 2013) on Channel 4 which previously held the record with 2.2 million."
"It's only January but let's call it already: coolest show of the year" - Grazia
"This is the next subtitled sensation... unmissable TV" - TV Times
"This pacy saga could be your new subtitled obsession" - The Guardian 

3) How does the press release promote the Channel 4 'Walter Presents' collection of international TV drama?

The show is subtitles into English for domestic viewers, Walter Presents reviewing and promoting this means that the collection of TV Drama that they recommend will be taken as seriously in both domestic and international languages.

Walter Presents

Watch this Channel 4 trailer for their Walter Presents international drama.

1) How does Channel 4 introduce 'Walter'?
Channel 4 introduces Walter as a series drama expert who specializes in watching and selecting the best dramas for Channel 4. Channel 4 present Walter as a workaholic despite his job being to watch TV dramas and rate them, they present him as an important figure, "Trust him because we do". 

2) What audience are Channel 4 trying to appeal to with the 'Walter Presents' series?
Channel 4 are trying to appeal to a 18-30 audience who are interested in TV dramas and that watch a large amount of TV for their daily entertainment. As Walter in the advert is a middle aged white man, Channel 4 are also attempt to appeal to a similar audience who watch large amounts of TV.

3) How does the 'Walter Presents' series reflect the changing nature of television in the digital age?
Walter Presents shows how the digital age has changed as people are not seen to be paid for reviewing and watching TV, a job which most people would admire and would like to have. The trailer shows how a rise in reviewers and critics has grown over as the popularity of TV drama increases.

Marketing and promotion

Look at the online Channel 4 press pack for Deutschland 83.

1) Read the programme information from the press pack. How does the programme information seek to interest a reader from the first paragraph?
The first paragraph describes what this drama series about and uses words such as 'fast-paced thriller' which intrigues and captures an audience as audiences are seen to lose interest in slow paced film and series. This already insures that the audience won't lose attention and interest in the drama, meaning that they don't waste their time on it. The first paragraph mentions history events which happened and mentions the missles pointed across east and west Germany.

2) What does the programme information suggest the main strengths of the programme are?
The programme is described as a 'fast-paced thriller' and 'utterly gripping' whilst the narrative considered and shows both sides of Germany.

3) Read the press pack interview with writer Anna Winger. How did she use the historical context and real-life events to create a successful drama?
"We interviewed politicians, people in intelligence, diplomats and also just regular people about their experiences." By doing this she was able to create a realistic and correct representation of Germany during the 1980s. This gave her perspectives and information for how life was like on both sides of Germany which allowed her to create a accurate presentation of both in the drama.

4) Anna Winger discusses the use of music. Why might the soundtrack attract an audience?

International marketing

1) How does the UK DVD cover communicate the sub-genre of the drama?
The UK DVD uses quotes such as "Under cover" to hint at the shows spy thriller sub genre as well as the use of the two images at the back behind the protagonist communicates to the audience that this show will contain personal affairs and themes of romance as well as themes of politics.

2) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the UK DVD cover. What does it communicate to the audience?

The costume of the main protagonist on the front of the cover shows that the drama will contain violence and action through the connotations of the army uniform. The use of the quote "A gripping cold war thriller" tells the audience that the TV drama is likely to have them hooked and likely to 'binge watch' the show, a popular trend that is occurring.

3) How does the American branding use font, colour and graphics to appeal to an audience?

The American TV advert uses a lot of bright colours which are quite bright and 'in your face', grabbing the attention of the audience. The background pictures of nuclear weapons and missiles tell the audience that the show is likely to have action and conflict, a popular genre that keeps the audience interested through fast paced editing.

4) Why might the distributors Freemantle Media International have used different marketing campaigns in different countries? 
Distributors used different marketing techniques in different countries as different countries are likely to have different audiences which appeal to things differently. By doing this distributors are able to attract a large audience from different countries despite using different advertising campaigns and methods. Using historical context and war references, distributors are able to attract young and older audiences at the same time.


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