Marxism and Hegemony Blog Task

Mail Online review of Capital

1) Re-read the Mail Online review of Capital. Why does it suggest that Capital features a left-wing ideology?
The review mentions various of things which support this left wing ideology from references to Jeremy Corbyn to how the show represents and empowers the working class. Capital is seen to show different ethnic working class groups who are seen to be working hard in their lives to support themselves or their family. An example being Quentina, an immigrant from Africa who works illegally and extremely hard to support herself and earn a living. This empowerment and representation of the working class and immigration supports the left wing ideologies of immigration and how it immigration can how they positives and  goes against the stereotypes of immigrants leeching off the government through benefits.

2) Choose three quotes from the review that are particularly critical of Capital and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why?
"With a fizzle like a firework on a wet night, Capital (BBC1) dribbled to a soggy ending." I agree with this statement as the ending of the show left me unsatisfied as everyone in the show received a positive ending and a 'happy ever after' whilst Quentina was still sent back to her country. However this may have been done deliberately to remind the audience that the problem with immigration is still relevant despite other issues such as terrorism and harassment.

"The last 20 minutes contained no plot. Whatever story there had ever been was over." I also agree with this statement as the last few minutes of show felt extended and irrelevant. The show concluded with each family saying their goodbyes in different ways, the Kamal family kissing their mother goodbye to Roger and Arabella saying their last goodbyes to their home before leaving for the country side.

"When investment banker Roger muttered something self-deprecating, one of the immigrant characters snarled, with real anger: ‘Ah! The Great British understatement!’". I disagree with this quote as the writer attempts to create a negative representation of the immigrant who had lost his partner. The writer portrays Roger as vulnerable and as the victim to the 'real anger' of the immigrant, making it seem as though he is in great danger despite having a normal conversation and apologizing to the man.

3) What scenes or characters from Capital could be read as promoting left-wing ideology?
Characters such as Quentina promote left with ideologies and the belief that immigration is can be seen as positive as she is seen to be extremely hardworking to be able to support herself. Roger and his work environment highlight the issues that are wrong in society. The people in his work place are predominantly white males and are seen to only be focused on creating profits for their company so that they get a large bonus at the end of the year.

4) What about the other side of the argument - are there any aspects of Capital that reinforce the status quo in capitalist London?
Capitalist ideologies and beliefs that if you work hard it will pay off and you will be rewarded are shown in most of the characters in the show, one of them being Roger. Roger is a character that reinforces the status quo of capitalism as he is seen constantly working hard at his job and calculating figures which could potentially be his bonus at the end of the year. Other characters such as Quentina also reinforce this belief as see is also seen to be working over time and extra hard to gain a larger pay however is taken advantage of by her boss as she is an illegal immigrant.

Media Magazine feature on BBC drama The Casual Vacancy and ideology

1) Why did the Daily Mail suggest The Casual Vacancy promoted a left-wing ideology?
Rowling heavily promotes left-wing values by ridiculing the wealthier residents and shaming them for their plot to sell off the local food bank and rehab centre. Rowling is a left wing supporter and stated that she disapproves of benefit cuts and the withdrawal of public services. Having lived on benefits for serveal years whilst writing the first book and raising her daughter she sympathies with the less wealthy.

2) How does the article suggest characters, narrative and setting are used to promote a left-wing ideology?
The plot to sell the local food bank and rehab centre highlights the right wing belief that benefits should be cut down and the withdrawal of public services. This highlights the negatives which theses beliefs bring and how it effects the local community who are in need of it instead of the position of the wealthier people. Barry Fairbrother a protagonist in the series is seen to be dead in the second page of the novel however is shown to be alive and the main instrument in protecting rehab centre. Whilst his enemy the Mollisons are trying to close it down, portraying the right wing belief and the constant battle between left and right wing ideologies.

3) What research is quoted regarding BBC bias and what did it find? Do you think the BBC is biased?

4) Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggests people are kept under control through active consent - the control of 'common sense'. How could you apply the Daily Mail or the BBC to the idea of hegemony and dominant ideologies in the UK media?
The Daily Mail present their ideologies and beliefs extremely straight forward. An example of this is the belief that if immigrant increase it will cause more problems and leave London over crowded. The idea of hegemony is portrayed in the Daily Mail as they present middle/upper class citizens as the dominant class and believe that people should believe and see the world similarly. They portray this world as 'common sense' and the audience consume this and believe it to be 'natural' and 'normal' and attempt to follow these ideologies and live that way. 


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